The response object returned by the getBuyWithFiatQuote
This includes various information for buying a token using a fiat currency:
on-ramp provider UI link
The estimated time for the transaction to complete.
The on-ramp and destination token information.
Processing fees
type BuyWithFiatQuote = { estimatedDurationSeconds: number; estimatedToAmountMin: string; estimatedToAmountMinWei: string; fromAddress: string; fromCurrency: { amount: string; amountUnits: string; currencySymbol: string; decimals: number; }; fromCurrencyWithFees: { amount: string; amountUnits: string; currencySymbol: string; decimals: number; }; intentId: string; maxSlippageBPS: number; onRampLink: string; onRampToken: { amount: string; amountUSDCents: number; amountWei: string; }; processingFees: Array<{ amount: string; amountUnits: string; currencySymbol: string; decimals: number; feeType: "ON_RAMP" | "NETWORK"; }>; provider: FiatProvider; routingToken?: { amount: string; amountUSDCents: number; amountWei: string; }; toAddress: string; toAmountMin: string; toAmountMinWei: string;};
Estimated time for the transaction to complete in seconds.
type estimatedDurationSeconds = number;
Minimum amount of token that is expected to be received in units.
type estimatedToAmountMin = string;
Minimum amount of token that is expected to be received in wei.
type estimatedToAmountMinWei = string;
Address of the wallet used for buying the token.
type fromAddress = string;
fiat currency used to buy the token - excluding the fees.
type fromCurrency = { amount: string; amountUnits: string; currencySymbol: string; decimals: number;};
Fiat currency used to buy the token - including the fees.
type fromCurrencyWithFees = { amount: string; amountUnits: string; currencySymbol: string; decimals: number;};
Id of transaction
type intentId = string;
The maximum slippage in basis points (bps) allowed for the transaction.
type maxSlippageBPS = number;
Token that will be sent to the user's wallet address by the on-ramp provider.
If the token is same as toToken
- the user can directly buy the token from the on-ramp provider.
If not, the user will receive this token and a swap is required to convert it toToken
type onRampToken = { amount: string; amountUSDCents: number; amountWei: string;};
Array of processing fees for the transaction.
This includes the processing fees for on-ramp and swap (if required).
type processingFees = Array<{ amount: string; amountUnits: string; currencySymbol: string; decimals: number; feeType: "ON_RAMP" | "NETWORK";}>;
The provider that was used to get the quote.
type provider = FiatProvider;
Routing token that will be swapped from the on-ramp token, so that it can be bridged to the destination token.
type routingToken = { amount: string; amountUSDCents: number; amountWei: string;};
Address of the wallet to which the tokens will be sent.
type toAddress = string;
Amount of token that is expected to be received in wei.
(estimatedToAmountMin - maxSlippageWei)
type toAmountMin = string;
Amount of token that is expected to be received in units.
(estimatedToAmountMinWei - maxSlippageWei)
type toAmountMinWei = string;
Token information for the desired token. (token the user wants to buy)