Convenience function to add the BatchMetadataERC721 module as a default module on a core contract.
import { BatchMetadataERC721, deployModularContract,} from "thirdweb/modules"; const deployed = deployModularContract({ client, chain, account, core: "ERC721", params: { name: "My Modular Contract", }, modules: [BatchMetadataERC721.module()],});
function module(params?: { publisher?: string;}): (args: { account: Account; chain: Readonly; client: ThirdwebClient;}) => Promise<{ data: "0x"; module: `0x${string}` }>;
The parameters for the module.
let params: { publisher?: string };
let returnType: (args: { account: Account; chain: Readonly; client: ThirdwebClient;}) => Promise<{ data: "0x"; module: `0x${string}` }>;
The module function.